Day Retreats + Series


Heighten your spiritual sense and your innate connection with the elements as we honor the midway point between Winter and Spring.

  • Circle in the salt cave

  • Sound healing

  • Vocal opening practices

  • Earth worship

  • Self-massage with herbal oils

  • Herbal tea meditation

  • Fire ceremony

  • Seasonal lunch included!

Kati Shea & Sophia Heller are experienced ceremonialists, nature devotees & creative spirits who love supporting women in their homecoming to Self.


Familiar with the basics of TRE (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises) & eager to deepen your practice? Join us for the Level 2 TRE® Retreat!

In this immersive workshop, explore self-assists & partner techniques designed to enhance and refine your tremoring experience leading to meaningful shifts in your practice. We’ll embrace a more experimental approach, allowing for deeper exploration & discovery. Please note: prior experience with TRE® is required. Bonnie is a certified TRE facilitator.

Lead by Bonnie Pariser, founder of Yoga Loka and certified TRE® facilitator.

Early bird $150 thru 2/23; $175 after 3/2.