Acuity App Directions
The easiest way to add, reschedule, and cancel your appointments at Sault Haus.
First, Download to your phone from apple store or google play store apps.
here are the step by step directions after you download the scheduling app:
Open the app.
Create a new account. Please doublecheck your email address for spelling.
Log in and go to Businesses (a house icon on the bottom of the screen). Press the + sign to add Sault Haus as a business you want to book at. Where it says Enter scheduling URL, type in:
Now you’re all set to book appointments at Sault Haus:
Make sure you’re logged in after you open the app.
In the Businesses, the Sault Haus name will be visible. Click on it to go directly to the list of all classes and appointments. You’ll be able to book appointments, buy the yoga 10-pack, and gift cards using your credit card.
Upcoming and past appointments can be viewed in the Calendar section.
You can click on the upcoming appointments to add them to your calendar, reschedule or cancel them.
If you purchase a yoga 10-pack, it will be visible in the Orders section (marked with a tag icon). Click on the Redeem button associated with it to sign up for your yoga classes.